My life, my love, my world

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's been a while...

Alright, so it's been a while since I've been on here...things have been crazy busy! We PCS'd and let me say, it was my first and worst PCS. About two weeks after we moved in, our mentor hit home hard. And one week later, my husband's training was pushed up three months! So, with a 20 something hour notice, he was off...and is still off. We have no idea when his next phase (OBC) will begin. I am fairly confident it'll be pushed up. Life would be too easy if it weren't.
But on a happier note, my sister just had her third baby! A beautiful baby girl! I cannot wait to go visit so I can hold her! I'm so happy for her! It's a torn sensation though, our infertility struggles really make baby fever kick into hyper drive when I see pictures of her. She is precious.
Tomorrow is going to be rough. The recent Ft. Hood tragedy has many things on my I am sure it has impacted many of us. This jidadist activity has me terrified. But it brings up a very valuable point that I hope the military and government take into account and correct: Hasan was investigated by the DoD before this happened, and the investigation was dropped! People have become paranoid of being labeled racist or being seen as a racial profiler, in addition there has been name slinging by those who can be seen as jihadi supporters! "Islamophobia" is a term they have used. Phobia, yes I would say it is fear of being politically incorrect that halted the investigation by the DoD. So it would be that same fear that cost us many lives. This hatred is breeding within our own military! The US military is one of the largest and most powerful militaries in the world. If we allow these terrorists, the supporters of "Islamofacism" to enter our military, our very foundation has been shaken! This conflict hits home on every level!! First, I am an American, and the Islamic extremists have waged war against America and all it's "kaffir" inhabitants, labeling us infidels. Secondly, my husband and I have been on our own religious quest-starting with Buddhism, Catholicism, all the way through Christianity...and we finally decided we want to convert to Judaism! Now, that is great, and I am happy; however, as usual, the Jewish community has also been targeted by the extremists (again). And, more importantly, my husband serves in the US Army. I cannot pray enough, I cannot find any comfort that does not come from scripture or the arms of my husband. Since he isn't here...scripture will have to do. This Islamic extremism has me scared, has me angry, and has me focused like I have never been focused before. I just wish the leadership of this nation would wake up and focus as well!